[Collegio.phd_mne] PhD Event @ AACD 2024

Piero Malcovati piero.malcovati a unipv.it
Ven 2 Feb 2024 14:51:54 CET

Dear Students,

this year the 32nd Advances in Analog Circuit Design Workshop (AACD24) will be held at University of Pavia on April, 9th-11th, 2024.
AACD is a quinte prestigious workshop with very high-level speakers. The topics covered by AACD this year are:

- April, 9th, 2024: High-Performance Audio, Chairman: Bram Nauta (University of Twente)
- April, 10th, 2024: ICs for Biomedical and Wearable, Chairman: Kofi Makinwa (TU Delft)
- April, 11th, 2024: High-Voltage Analog, Chairman: Andrea Baschirotto (University of Milano-Bicocca)

A detailed program will be available soon. For further information visit http://www.mbtechnoservices.com/aacd24.

The AACD workshop this year is recognized as official PhD school of the National PhD program in Micro- and Nano-Electronics. Therefore, you are all must participate. You really have to have a good reason to miss it!!!
You will be able to use your budget for research activity (20% of the grant) to cover the travel expenses.

Taking advantage of the AACD workshop in Pavia we will also organize a side event dedicated to the PhD program in Micro- and Nano-Electronics in the morning of Friday April 12th. During this event each PhD student will have 5 minutes to introduce himself and his research activity with maximum 5 slides.
The goal of this event is to allow the PhD students to get to know each other and what they are doing, establishing networking relationships, which is quite important within a National PhD program.

I look forward to seeing you all in Pavia!!

Best regards.


Piero Malcovati
Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering
Full Professor
Via Ferrata 5 - 27100 Pavia (Italy) <http://maps.google.com/?q=Via+Ferrata+5+27100+Pavia+%28Italia%29>
T. |+39 0382985256 <tel:|+390382985256> / M. +39 3343212082 <tel:+393343212082>

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