[DocentiStudiUmanistici] Fwd: Causal ITALY2021 - This workshop will take place on 30th November 2021, as part of the 20th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence

Galullo Paola dipartimento.studiumanistici a unipv.it
Lun 29 Nov 2021 09:21:46 CET

vi inoltro un invito da parte del Prof. Magnani.
Saluti cordiali,

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: Lorenzo Magnani <lmagnani a unipv.it>
Date: dom 28 nov 2021 alle ore 08:31
Subject: Causal ITALY2021 - This workshop will take place on 30th November
2021, as part of the 20th International Conference of the Italian
Association for Artificial Intelligence
To: Galullo Paola <dipartimento.studiumanistici a unipv.it>

Causal ITALY2021 - This workshop will take place on 30th November 2021, as
part of the 20th International Conference of the Italian Association for
Artificial Intelligence

*Sara Magliacane*, Causality-inspired ML: what can causality do for ML? The
domain adaptation case
<https://causalitaly.github.io/docs/last/programme/#magliacane>. *Keynote*
*Lorenzo Magnani*, Naturalizing Causality
<https://causalitaly.github.io/docs/last/programme/#magnani>. *Keynote*

Program: https://causalitaly.github.io/docs/last/programme/
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