[Dottorcomp] Fwd: CNA Postdoc Positions

Giulio Schimperna giusch04 a unipv.it
Ven 22 Nov 2019 16:11:03 CET

Per vostra informazione.

Buon fine settimana,


---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: Iulia Dumitriu <dumitriu a andrew.cmu.edu>
Date: gio 21 nov 2019 alle ore 19:04
Subject: CNA Postdoc Positions

The Department of Mathematical Sciences anticipates making a post-doctoral
appointment beginning September 2020 in applied analysis in the general
areas of calculus of variations, computational mathematics, partial
differential equations and their applications, including data science,
fluid dynamics, image processing, and materials science. This will be a
two-year appointment affiliated with the Center for Nonlinear Analysis and
the recipient will teach one course per semester.

Preference will be given to candidates who have shown outstanding promise
and/or excellent accomplishments in research. A Ph.D. in mathematics or
closely related disciplines is required.

The Department of Mathematical Sciences is committed to increasing the
diversity of our faculty. Carnegie Mellon considers applicants for
employment without regard to, and does not discriminate on the basis of,
gender, race, protected veteran status, disability, sexual orientation,
gender identity, and any additional legally protected status.

Applicants should submit all materials electronically through mathjobs *and*
https://apply.interfolio.com/71409. This includes a curriculum vita, a list
of publications, a statement describing current and planned research, and
at least three letters of recommendation (including at least one that
specifically addresses teaching). Letters of recommendation will be
solicited through mathjobs only. Recommenders who are unable to submit
their letters electronically may mail them to: Postdoc Search, Department
of Mathematical Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213.

For full consideration, applications should be submitted by December 20,

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 Prof. Giulio Schimperna
 Dipartimento di Matematica
 Universita` di Pavia
 Via Ferrata 1, 27100 Pavia, Italy
    homepage: http://www-dimat.unipv.it/giulio
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