[Dottorcomp] Fwd: [Simai-soci] summer schools

Pierluigi Colli pierluigi.colli a unipv.it
Dom 9 Feb 2020 13:55:09 CET

Informazioni su una summer school,

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Da: Mailing list dei soci SIMAI <simai-soci a lists.math.unifi.it>
Date: sab 8 feb 2020 alle ore 17:19
Subject: [Simai-soci] summer schools
To: <simai-soci a lists.math.unifi.it>

Inoltro ai soci l'annuncio di questa summer school

...the title will be "Fluids Under Control " it will be held in the last
week of August (24.-28.8.2020) in Prague. It is a multidisciplinary event
with topics ranging from theoretical and numerical mathematics up to
physics and applications. It will be co-organized by the Mathematical
Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Czech Technical
University in Prague and University of Pittsburgh.

You can find the complete information about this event at a dedicated web


See also the attached file.

Luca Formaggia
Simai-soci mailing list
Simai-soci a lists.math.unifi.it

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