[Dottorcomp] Se mi narri di Matematica - domani, mercoledì 25 novembre, ore 16, seminario di Andrea Signori

Ngoc Mai Monica Huynh ngocmaimonica.huynh01 a universitadipavia.it
Mar 24 Nov 2020 10:08:43 CET

Nell'ambito del progetto *Se mi narri di Matematica*,

Data e ora: *25 novembre 2020, ore 16:00 *

Speaker: Andrea Signori (Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca)

Titolo: *Mathematical Perspectives on Tumour Growth:  From Well-posedness
to Optimal Control*


Over the last decades, great strides have been made by the mathematical and
medical communities towards the understanding of solid tumor growth. The
recently achieved novelties arise from two leading factors: on the one
hand, the flourishing of mathematical models for biological systems, and on
the other hand, the more and more accurate computational methods and
numerical solvers rose in the last decades. Despite the deep and
challenging aim of understanding the hidden mechanisms behind the disease,
the scientists' factual goal is to provide robust methods that may help the
practitioners suiting the best therapy for every single patient. In this
direction, the mathematical approach to tumour growth models might bring
new lymph and hope to this arduous journey.

In this talk, we aim at providing some mathematical insights for a
particular model whose

key assumption is that the tumour cells are submerged in a nutrient-rich
environment which is the primary source of nourishment for the tumorous
cells: this is a reasonable assumption at least for young tumours
(avascular tumours). This paradigm leads us to analyse a four-species PDE
system (tumour cells, healthy cells, nutrient-rich concentration,
nutrient-poor concentration) which couples a Cahn-Hilliard type equation
with source term for the tumour with a reaction-diffusion equation for the
surrounding nutrient.

To begin with, we fix some ideas concerning modelling. Then, we address
some selected results related to the well-posedness for that system, and
lastly, based on the analytic results presented, we discuss a specific
optimal control problem.


*Aula Beltrami*, Dipartimento di Matematica.


Link Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84298793777

*Meeting ID: 842 98793777*

*Passcode: 549435*

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L'invito si estende a tutti gli interessati.

gli organizzatori

Mai, Silvia, Federico e Stefano
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