[Dottorcomp] Fwd: Two Postdoc positions: Formal methods in control (Munich, Germany), ref 9y23z

Giulio Schimperna giusch04 a unipv.it
Gio 2 Dic 2021 13:29:03 CET

    mi è stato chiesto di comunicarvi questo annuncio relativo a posizioni
postdoc a Monaco
potenzialmente di nostro interesse.

Buona giornata,


Two Postdoc/PhD Research Positions in Munich, Germany

We invite applications for two post-doctoral researcher positions in
the field of formal methods, in Munich, Germany, the city of the
Oktoberfest. The successful candidates are expected to advance the
state of the art of abstraction-based synthesis and verification, to
facilitate routine and efficient application of the
approach. Depending on background and interests of each candidate, the
research focus will be either on theoretical foundations, or on
algorithms and software development.

Required qualifications:

* PhD degree in Mathematics, Systems and Control, Computer Science,
  or a related field. Exceptionally qualified and experienced
  candidates with an MSc degree will also be considered.

* Strong theoretical or mathematical background, and a strong interest
  in dynamical or control systems.
  In addition, experience in one of the following fields is required:
  Optimal control; semi-definite programming; quadrature theory;
  set-valued numerics; reachability analysis; validated floating-point
  arithmetic; compiler design; software development.

* Programming proficiency (C or Ada or Mathematica).

* Efficient communication skills in English.

The position is full-time and paid according to pay scale ``TVOeD
Bund, E 14''. Actual income depends on marital status and professional
experience, and starts from EUR 35000 net p.a.
(E-13/EUR 32700 for applicants with an MSc degree). Reimbursement
for travel expenses to conferences. No teaching load. The positions
are available immediately and for a duration until December 2023, with
possible extension contingent on research performance. They are open
to applicants worldwide; no special security clearance necessary.

Your complete application consists of the following documents, which
should be sent as a single PDF file to the email address given
below (deadline: December 22, 2021):

* CV
* One-page cover letter (clearly indicating available start date as
  well as relevant qualifications, experience and motivation)
* University certificates and transcripts (BSc, MSc and PhD degrees)
* Up to three letters of recommendation
* List of publications
* Possibly an English language certificate

All documents should be in English or German.

Gunther Reissig
Email: gunther2016 a reiszig.de, Subject: Postdoc ref 9y23z
Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Institute of Control Engineering
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