[Dottorcomp] seminar by Ulisse Stefanelli: time change

Laura Spinolo spinolo a imati.cnr.it
Gio 9 Dic 2021 12:29:21 CET

Dear all,

to avoid conflict with another event we have decided to move Ulisse's
seminar to 2.15 pm. We apologize for the inconvenience.

So, summing up: Ulisse's seminar is now scheduled for *Thursday, December
16, at 2.15pm*. He will talk about "Crystallization" and below you can find
the abstract of his talk.

It will be an online only talk, and the Zoom link is at the end of this

Should you need any further information, please feel free to contact us.

Best regards,

Andrea, Lorenzo, Laura

TITLE: Crystallization
Crystals constitute a prominent state of matter. Their geometries and
beauty have fascinated mankind since its early ages. Ever since, the
specific mechanical and electromagnetic properties of crystalline
aggregates have been at the basis of crucial technologies including optics,
metallurgy, and electronics. Correspondingly, the understanding of crystal
formation has been subject of constant attention over the centuries.

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