[Dottorcomp] Fwd: [CoordinatoriMate] First UMI meeting of PhD students - NEW DEADLINE for submissions: January 15th, 2022

Pierluigi Colli pierluigi.colli a unipv.it
Ven 31 Dic 2021 10:45:11 CET

Cari dottorandi,
    vi giro questo messaggio inviato ai coordinatori.
Con l'occasione, auguri di Buon Anno a voi tutti,

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: Barbara Nelli <barbara.nelli a univaq.it>
Date: mer 29 dic 2021 alle ore 17:33
Subject: [CoordinatoriMate] First UMI meeting of PhD students - NEW
DEADLINE for submissions: January 15th, 2022
To: italia, dottorati <dottorati_matematica_italia a fields.dm.unipi.it>

Dear Colleague,

this is to announce that the *NEW DEADLINE* for submissions for the *First
UMI meeting of PhD students *

is postponed to *January 15th, 2022.*

We recall that the *First UMI meeting of PhD students* will take place in
Padova on 26th-27th May, 2022, in the frame of the Meeting organized to
celebrate 100 years of the Unione Matematica Italiana and 800 years of
University of Padova: https://www.100umi800unipd.it

As you are a director of a PhD school, we ask you to warmly invite the
students, graduating with a *Ph.D. thesis in Mathematics during years
2019-20-21-22*, to submit their abstract in order to give a talk,
following  the
guidelines here: https://www.100umi800unipd.it/?page_id=790

Best Regards,

The Scientific Committee: Martino Bardi, Anna Maria Fino, Adriana Garroni,
Angelo Felice Lopez, Benedetta Morini, Gianluca Vinti

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dottorati_matematica_italia a fields.dm.unipi.it
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