[Dottorcomp] Fwd: Avviso di seminario

Stefano Lisini stefano.lisini a unipv.it
Mar 19 Gen 2021 19:02:55 CET

Segnalo il seguente seminario online organizzato dal Politecnico di Milano.

Cordiali saluti,
Stefano Lisini.

Inizio messaggio inoltrato:

Da: Iniziative di Dipartimento <fabio.cipriani a polimi.it>
Oggetto: Avviso di seminario
Data: 19 gennaio 2021 16:47:16 CET
Rispondi a: Iniziative di Dipartimento <fabio.cipriani a polimi.it>

Si avvisa che in data 20/1/2021, alle ore 11:15 , presso Link:
nell'ambito delle iniziative della sezione di Analisi, si svolgerà il
seguente seminario:

Titolo: Evolution equations driven by dissipative operators in
Wasserstein spaces
Relatore: Giulia Cavagnari, Politecnico di Milano
In this talk we present new results framing into the recent theory of
Measure Differential Equations introduced by B. Piccoli (Rutgers
University-Camden). The state space where these evolution equations
are set is the Wasserstein space of probability measures, hence tools
of Optimal Transport are essential. The key point here is that the
vector field itself maps into the space of probability measures lying
on the tangent bundle, in a way compatible with the projection on the
state space. We give a stronger definition of solution which indeed
“selects” only one of the (not unique) solutions in the sense of
Piccoli. In addition to uniqueness, we are also able to prove
stability results. To do so, we borrow ideas from the theory of
evolution equations driven by dissipative operators on Hilbert spaces,
giving a notion of solution in terms of a so called Evolution
Variational Inequality.

This is a joint work with G. Savaré (Bocconi University) and G. E.
Sodini (TUM-IAS).

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