[Dottorcomp] avviso di seminario 21/6 - seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano

Lorenzo Tamellini tamellini a imati.cnr.it
Gio 10 Giu 2021 16:16:34 CEST

Buon pomeriggio a tutt*,

ricevo ed inoltro l'avviso di seminario qui sotto.

Cordiali saluti,
Lorenzo Tamellini


Si avvisa che in data 21/6/2021, alle ore 17:00, link
<https://zoom.us/j/91544493126?pwd=cHVlNEFkZ1lHWjNONG9kWHdoaGwxQT09> ,
nell'ambito delle iniziative del Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano,
si svolgerà il seguente seminario:

Dynamical rigidity of convex billiards
Jacopo De Simoi, University of Toronto
Convex billiards are a classical topic in conservative dynamics. Typically,
their dynamics is qualitatively very intricate, since it showcases a
coexistence of hyperbolic dynamics and KAM phenomena. Understanding
long-term statistical properties of the dynamics with the current
technology is essentially an intractable problem.

Here I venture in the opposite direction and I will discuss dynamical
inverse problems: how much geometrical information can be extracted from
the dynamics?

More precisely: what can be deduced about the billiard table if one knows
the lengths of all periodic orbits? The quantum version of this question
has been famously stated as \"Can one hear the shape of a drum?\"

In this talk I will review the latest results and describe the next steps
in this direction. This is a joint project with Vadim Kaloshin.

È gradita la sua partecipazione.
Cordiali saluti.
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