[Dottorcomp] Insalate di Matematica - M. Piccolo (reminder)

Mbs Insalate Di Matematica insalate.matematica a unimib.it
Gio 24 Giu 2021 02:24:20 CEST

 Dear all,

as a part of the series of seminars *"Insalate di Matematica"*, we remind
you that this morning there is a seminar held by Margherita Piccolo
Here the details:

*Google Meet access link*: meet.google.com/saz-pcbd-fad

*Date and time*: *24th June **2021, 11:00 am*

*Speaker*: *Margherita Piccolo (HHU Düsseldorf) *

*Title*: *"Representation growth of semisimple profinite groups"*

*Abstract*: A profinite group is called semisimple if it is the Cartesian
product of finite simple groups. The representation growth of such groups
can be studied looking at the distribution of irreducible representations
by means of a zeta function, that is a Dirichlet generating function. Under
certain restrictions, the representation growth is polynomial with a wide
range of growth.Moreover, given a profinite group, it is generally a
difficult question to determine if it is, in fact, isomorphic to a
profinite completion of an abstract group. In this talk, I discuss a result
of Kassabov and Nikolov which provides a criteria for a semisimple
profinite group to be a profinite completion. Based on this, I report on my
work which is aimed at constructing semisimple profinite groups with
specified polynomial representation growth that arise as profinite
completions of abstract groups (with the same representation growth).

*Keywords*: Semisimple profinite groups, Representation growth, Profinite

*** We inform you that this talk will be recorded and uploaded on our
website. If you join the seminar after the starting time, we kindly ask you
to ensure that your microphone and webcam are turned off ***

We are looking forward to seeing you.

The organizers: Luigi Appolloni, Federico Bernini, Francesca Cottini, Luca
Di Gravina, Ludovico Marini
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