[Dottorcomp] Insalate di Matematica - A. Girelli (reminder)

Francesca Cottini f.cottini2 a campus.unimib.it
Gio 4 Mar 2021 10:49:05 CET

Dear all,

as a part of the series of seminars *"Insalate di Matematica"*, we remind
you that today there will be a seminar held by Alberto Girelli (University
of Milano-Bicocca). Here the details:

*Google Meet access link*: https://meet.google.com/wai-seix-ijk

*Date and time*: *4th* *March 2021, 2:00 pm *

*Speaker*:* Alberto Girelli (University of Milano-Bicocca)*

*Title*:* "Quasilinear hyperbolic system of balance laws for modeling blood

*Abstract*: The widespread recognition that mathematical models and
numerical simulations can aid in a better understanding of the
physiological process motivates the effort and the interest about this type
of models. In this talk we will introduce briefly the theory of the
hyperbolic system of balance laws and we will apply this mathematical
theory to study a one-dimensional model for blood flow. We will focus on
the physical and physiological  aspects which are arising from the
mathematical expressions but some technical details will still be given.

*Keywords*: hyperbolic system, balance laws, mathematical modeling.

*** We inform you that this talk will be recorded and uploaded on our
website. If you join the seminar after the starting time, we kindly ask you
to ensure that your microphone and webcam are turned off ***

We are looking forward to seeing you.

The organizers: Luigi Appolloni, Federico Bernini, Francesca Cottini, Luca
Di Gravina, Ludovico Marini
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