[Dottorcomp] Fwd: ENSPM2021 on 12-16 July 2021 ONLINE

Giulio Schimperna direttore.matematica a unipv.it
Mar 18 Maggio 2021 13:25:48 CEST

Per vostra informazione.

Buon pomeriggio,


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: secretariado spm <spm a spm.pt>
Date: Thu, May 13, 2021 at 5:56 PM
Subject: ENSPM2021 on 12-16 July 2021 ONLINE

Dear President of the Department,

the Portuguese Mathematical Society is organizing the ENSPM2021 on 12-16
July 2021 ONLINE:

National Meeting of the SPM 2021 – Encontro Nacional da Sociedade
Portuguesa de Matemática 2021 (spmatematica.online)

The list of plenary speakers includes 4 Fields Medallists and several ICM
invited speakers, along with recipients of many other distinctions such as
the EMS Prize, Euler Medal, Fermat, Fulkerson, Henri Poincaré, Loève and
Paul Doistau–Émile Blutet, Philip Leverhulme Prizes, MacArthur Fellows,
CNRS Silver Medal, NSF Career, TWAS Prize, Whitehead Jr&Sr, and certainly
many more awards in the future!

The meeting has 9 slots for parallel sessions, two hours each, where many
other outstanding mathematicians will have the opportunity to share and
discuss ideas.

We hope this meeting will help important ideas to flourish, inspire and

We would be very grateful if you could help this message reach anyone who
might be interested. (More details below). Our annual event is very
important for the sustainability of the society and even more under the
current circumstances.

All are invited to join and/or to propose extra parallel sessions.

I thank in advance.

Best wishes,
Rita Ferrer

Dear member of the Society,

it takes three minutes
to have a look on the ONLINE
Meeting of the Portuguese Mathematical Society,
12-16 July



   - Fields Medals (4)
   - ICM Invited Speaker
   - EMS Prize
   - Euler Medal
   - Fulkerson
   - Henri Poincaré
   - Loève and Paul Doistau–Émile Blutet
   - Philip Leverhulme
   - MacArthur Fellows
   - CNRS Silver Medal
   - NSF Career
   - TWAS Prize
   - Whitehead Jr&Sr

Parallel Sessions


9 slots to propose parallel sessions

2 hours for each parallel session and 4 speakers.
Organizing a parallel session is free up to the 31st of May
There are many, but it would be great to have more

Invite the colleagues of your area and set up a parallel session.


Online conferences are plastic: there are room for all.
Any researcher with ideas to share can find here her space.
Help us make this an unforgettable moment of mathematical delight
Be part of it. On the stage.


This meeting might be important for your

   - colleagues
   - PhD students
   - Masters Students

Let them know.

On behalf of the organizing committee,
João Araújo
Mário Bessa
Patrícia Gonçalves
Luís Merca
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