[Dottorcomp] Fwd: Young Investigators Minisymposium @ ECCOMAS Congress 2022

Luca Franco Pavarino luca.pavarino a unipv.it
Gio 18 Nov 2021 09:04:54 CET

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: Lorenzo Tamellini <tamellini a imati.cnr.it>
Date: gio 18 nov 2021 alle ore 08:44
Subject: Young Investigators Minisymposium @ ECCOMAS Congress 2022
To: <simai-soci a lists.math.unifi.it>

Buongiorno a tutt*,

vi inoltro il messaggio qui sotto, riguardo all'iniziativa "Young
Investigators Minisimposium" organizzata dal comitato ECCOMAS Young
Investigators (EYIC) al prossimo congresso ECCOMAS (Oslo 2022).

Altre iniziative del comitato saranno annunciate nei prossimi mesi.

Buona giornata,
Lorenzo Tamellini


Dear Colleagues,

The *ECCOMAS Congress 2022* will be held in* Oslo, Norway, June 5-9, 2022*.
We would like to invite you (or someone of your group) to submit an
abstract to our mini-symposium "*MS 58: Young Investigators Minisymposium*”.
This mini-symposium is organized by young investigators (members of the
ECCOMAS Young Investigators Committee) for young investigators (<40).

The format is quite different from regular mini-symposia in order to
attract young researchers and to foster intensive scientific exchange.
There are three possibilities for presentations (*please find more details
in the attached PDF*):

   - Presentation in pairs
   - Presentation of things that did not work (as expected)
   - Presentation of open/unsolved problems

Please note that *authors have the possibility to give a presentation in
this mini-symposium in addition to a regular one in another session!*

The conference is currently planned as an *in-person* event.

The deadline for abstract submission is* December 10, 2021.*

Best regards,

The Minisymposium Organizers
S. Morganti, C. Schwarz, L. Nouveau, M. Lukacevic

EYIC-ECCOMAS mailing list
EYIC-ECCOMAS a listas.cimne.upc.edu
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