[Dottorcomp] Young Researchers Workshop on Mathematical and Numerical Cardiac Modeling

Ngoc Mai Monica Huynh ngocmaimonica.huynh01 a universitadipavia.it
Mer 13 Ott 2021 17:20:43 CEST

Dear all,

it is with great pleasure that we would like to invite you to the Young Researchers Workshop in Mathematical and Numerical Cardiac Modeling, which will be held on December 14, 2021 at the University of Pavia, corso Strada Nuova 65,  https://mate.unipv.it/workshop-young-cardiac/ <https://mate.unipv.it/barnafi/>

The aim of this Workshop is to gather PhD students and postdocs working in the field of computational electrocardiology, in order to create a network of young researchers in this emerging field. 
The Workshop also welcomes the participation of more senior scientists.

The Workshop will be held in hybrid format, allowing for both in-presence and online participation.
Green-pass is mandatory and will be checked at the registration desks onsite.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, in-presence participation is limited, so registration is free but mandatory. 
Please register at https://mate.unipv.it/workshop-young-cardiac/register.php <https://mate.unipv.it/barnafi/register.php>

Please feel free to publicize this event to anyone interested.
For further questions, do not hesitate to contact us by replying to this email.
Hope to see you in Pavia on December 14!

Best regards,
	the Organisers,

		N. A. Barnafi
		N.M.M. Huynh

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