[Dottorcomp] Fwd: First UMI meeting of PhD students: call for talks

Luca Franco Pavarino luca.pavarino a unipv.it
Ven 10 Set 2021 08:46:15 CEST

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Barbara Nelli <barbara.nelli a univaq.it>
Date: Fri, Sep 10, 2021, 07:51
Subject: First UMI meeting of PhD students: call for talks
To: Barbara Nelli <barbara.nelli a univaq.it>
Cc: lopez <lopez a mat.uniroma3.it>, Pg, Uno <gianluca.vinti a unipg.it>,
Morini, Benedetta <benedetta.morini a unifi.it>, garroni <
garroni a mat.uniroma1.it>, bardi <bardi a math.unipd.it>, fino, annamaria <
annamaria.fino a unito.it>, Fabio Ancona <ancona a math.unipd.it>,
francesco.rossi.1 a unipd.it <francesco.rossi.1 a unipd.it>

Dear Colleague,

the *First UMI meeting of PhD students* will take place in Padova on 26th-27
th May, 2022, in the frame of the Meeting organized to celebrate 100 years
of the Unione Matematica Italiana and 800 years of University of Padova:

As you are a director of a PhD school, we ask you to warmly invite the
students, graduating with a *Ph.D. thesis in Mathematics during years
2019-20-21-22*, to submit their abstract in order to give a talk,
following  the
guidelines here: https://www.100umi800unipd.it/?page_id=790

Notice that, the Committee encourages to participate to the call all
candidates with achievements in all fields of mathematics, ranging from the
most abstract and theoretical to the closest to industrial collaborations
and multi-disciplinary interactions.

 Best Regards,

The Scientific Committee: Martino Bardi, Anna Maria Fino, Adriana Garroni,
Angelo Felice Lopez, Benedetta Morini, Gianluca Vinti
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