[Dottorcomp] Fwd: NPDE2022 - second announcement

Giulio Schimperna giusch04 a unipv.it
Mer 13 Apr 2022 15:09:40 CEST

Scusandomi per l'eventuale cross-posting vi inoltro questo annuncio di
convegno che ho
ricevuto da Lorenzo Giacomelli.

Buon pomeriggio,


[image: LOGO-UNIPV]
Giulio Fernando Schimperna
Dipartimento di Matematica 'Felice Casorati'
Direttore di Dipartimento
Via Ferrata 5 - 27100 Pavia (Italia)
T. 0382985654 / M. 3334160335

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: Lorenzo Giacomelli <lorenzo.giacomelli a uniroma1.it>
Date: mer 13 apr 2022 alle ore 13:21
Subject: NPDE2022 - second announcement
To: <npde2020 a gmail.com>
Cc: Roberto Natalini <roberto.natalini a cnr.it>, <terracin a mat.uniroma1.it>,
<tarantel a mat.uniroma2.it>, <albertotesei a gmail.com>

Dear friends and colleagues,

we are happy to announce the Conference

on the occasion of Michiel Bertsch's 65(+2)th birthday
Rome (Sapienza and CNR Main Building), 13-15 June 2022
npde2020 a gmail.com

The Conference gathers experts in Nonlinear Partial Differential
Equations (PDEs) sharing a common approach to research, driven by
curiosity and strongly interacting  with other disciplines (Physics,
Engineering, Biology, Social Sciences). Originally scheduled in 2020,
the Conference is also the occasion for celebrating  Michiel Bertsch's
65(+2)th birthday. A flyer is attached.

A few slots will be available for young researchers wishing to
contribute a short talk. Please feel free to inquire by email.

Registration is free, but mandatory.

We kindly ask you to forward this message to potentially interested
students and colleagues, and we apologize in advance for cross-posting.

With best wishes,
Lorenzo Giacomelli, Roberto Natalini, Gabriella Tarantello, Andrea
Terracina, Alberto Tesei

Lorenzo Giacomelli
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Nome:        NPDE2022_flyer_mail.pdf
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