[Dottorcomp] Insalate di Matematica - S. Baldassarri (10/02)

Mbs Insalate Di Matematica insalate.matematica a unimib.it
Ven 4 Feb 2022 11:02:34 CET

 As part of the series of seminars *"Insalate di Matematica"*, *Simone
Baldassarri*, PhD student at the Università degli Studi di Firenze, will
deliver a talk.
According to the current Covid regulations, the seminar will be held
in a *hybrid
mode* *(more information below)*.

Here the details:

*Date and time*: *10th February 2022, 2:00 pm (CET)*

*Title*: *"Metastability in a lattice gas with strong anisotropic
interactions under Kawasaki dynamics**"*

*Abstract*: In this talk we will consider mathematical models evolving
according to a stochastic dynamics in order to identify dynamical
properties of real-life systems in the framework of non-equilibrium
statistical mechanics. We will consider a specific problem in the general
study of transitions from local minima to a global minimum, where the
evolution is given by a Markov process. In particular, we analyze
metastability in the context of a local version of the Kawasaki dynamics
for the two-dimensional strongly anisotropic Ising lattice gas at very low
temperature. Let [image: \Lambda\subset\mathbb{Z}^2] be a finite box.
Particles perform simple exclusion on [image: \Lambda], but when they
occupy neighboring sites they feel a binding energy [image: -U_1<0] in the
horizontal direction and [image: -U_2<0] in the vertical one. Along each
bond touching the boundary of [image: \Lambda] from the outside to the
inside, particles are created with rate [image: \rho=e^{-\Delta\beta}],
while along each bond from the inside to the outside, particles are
annihilated with rate [image: 1], where [image: \beta] is the inverse
temperature and [image: \Delta>0] is an activity parameter. We consider the
parameter regime [image: U_1>2U_2] also known as the strongly anisotropic
regime. We take [image: \Delta\in{(U_1,U_1+U_2)}] and we prove that the
empty (resp. full) configuration is a metastable (resp. stable)
configuration. We consider the asymptotic regime corresponding to finite
volume in the limit of large inverse temperature [image: \beta]. We
investigate how the transition from empty to full takes place. In
particular, we estimate in probability, expectation and distribution the
asymptotic transition time from the metastable configuration to the stable
configuration. Moreover, we identify the size of the critical droplets, as
well as some of their properties. We observe very different behavior in the
weakly ([image: U_1<2U_2]) and strongly anisotropic regimes. This is based
on a joint work with F. R. Nardi.

*Keywords*:  Metastability - lattice gas - Kawasaki dynamics - critical

*Information to attend in room 3014*
The seminar will take place in room 3014, at the building U5-Ratio,
Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca. Unfortunately, only a limited
number of participants is allowed in presence, hence reservation is
mandatory. You can reserve at the following link:
We also remind that you will be required to exhibit your green pass at the
entrance of the building.

*Information to attend online*
The seminar will be streamed via Webex platform at the following link:
(*Password*: Insalate)
*** We inform you that the talk will be recorded and uploaded on our
website. If you join the talk after the starting time, we kindly ask you to
ensure that your microphone and webcam are turned off ***

You can find the poster of the event in the attachment. We are looking
forward to seeing you!

For further information, please visit our website:
https://sites.google.com/view/insalate-di-matematica or contact us at
insalate.matematica a unimib.it.

The organizers: Luigi Appolloni, Andrea Bisterzo, Alberto Cassella,
Francesca Cottini, Ludovico Marini
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