[Dottorcomp] GABY conference 2022

Pierluigi Colli pierluigi.colli a unipv.it
Gio 10 Mar 2022 11:50:46 CET

Dear all,

     a group of our PhD students in Mathematica is organizing the second
edition of the GABY conference (Groups and Algebras in Bicocca for Young
Algebraists) which will be held from June 13th through June 17th of 2022 at
the University of Milano Bicocca.

Here is some information.

The conference is aimed at all young algebraists whose research is focused
on groups, algebras, and related topics.

There will be the following three mini-courses:

"An introduction to p-modular representations of p-adic groups" (delivered
by Ramla Abdellatif, University of Picardie Jules Verne)

"Growth of groups and of group endomorphisms" (delivered by Anna Giordano
Bruno, University of Udine)

"Hyperbolicity and generalizations" (delivered by Davide Spriano,
University of Oxford).

Furthermore, there will be the opportunity for participants to contribute
with a talk or a poster. In addition, there will be some extra-math
activities, such as an EDI wine and cheese session, a social dinner, and a
sport-dedicated moment. There are some funds available to provide
accommodation for some participants.

More information on the GABY conference can be found at the website
https://staff.matapp.unimib.it/~/gaby/gaby2022/. Registration will close on
May 1st. If you want to present a talk or a poster or apply for funds, you
have to complete the registration form by March 31st. If you have any
questions, do not hesitate to contact us at gaby a unimib.it

With best regards,
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