[Dottorcomp] Fwd: 2nd IST Austria Summer School in Analysis and PDEs

Giulio Schimperna giusch04 a unipv.it
Lun 21 Mar 2022 12:04:29 CET

    ricevo questo annuncio di scuola estiva che ritengo possa essere di

Buona giornata,


Inizio messaggio inoltrato:

*Da: *Julian Fischer <julian.fischer a ist.ac.at>
*Oggetto: **[Group-fischer] 2nd IST Austria Summer School in Analysis and
*Data: *18 marzo 2022 11:27:08 CET
*A: *<group-fischer a lists.ist.ac.at>, <group-erdoes a lists.ist.ac.at>, <
group-maas a lists.ist.ac.at>, <group-seiringer a lists.ist.ac.at>, <
group-kaloshin a lists.ist.ac.at>

Dear All,

The 2nd IST Austria Summer School in Analysis and PDEs will take place from
July 25-29 as an in-person event, with main lecture courses by Felix Otto,
Wilhelm Schlag, and Laszlo Szekelyhidi, as well as a number of additional
invited talks. The program and registration can be found at
https://summerschool-analysis.ist.ac.at/ .

Those of you interested in participating should register soon, as we may
need to close registration early to limit the number of spots to comply
with Covid regulations.

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