[Dottorcomp] Errata corrige: informal seminar on MAY 30

Laura Spinolo spinolo a imati.cnr.it
Lun 23 Maggio 2022 14:21:08 CEST

Dear all,

please note the correct date.

The next speaker of the "very informal seminars" series is Salvatore
Stuvard from the University of Milan, and the title of his talk is "Recent
advances in the theory of multi-phase mean curvature flows" (the abstract
is enclosed)*. *Salvatore's seminar is scheduled for
*Monday, May 30, at 2.30 pm*, and it will take place in the Beltrami Room
of the Math Department. It will be also available at the zoom link

Meeting ID: 841 4695 6556
Passcode: 271815

Here is the very informal seminars webpage


Should you need any further information, please feel free to contact us

Best regards,

Andrea, Laura and Lorenzo

Laura Spinolo
via Ferrata 5, 27100 Pavia, Italy
Web: http://arturo.imati.cnr.it/spinolo/
Email: spinolo a imati.cnr.it
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