[Dottorcomp] Seminari di Matematica Applicata. Martedì 15 novembre. Théophile Chaumont-Frelet e Joan Mateu.

Stefano Lisini stefano.lisini a unipv.it
Sab 12 Nov 2022 11:31:57 CET

Martedì 15 novembre 2022, alle ore 14.00 precise, presso l'aula
Beltrami del Dipartimento di Matematica,

Théophile Chaumont-Frelet (INRIA)terrà un seminario dal titolo:

Equilibrated error estimators for the magnetostatic problem

e alle ore 15.00 precise, nella stessa aula,

Joan Mateu (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
terrà un seminario dal titolo:

Persistence of the boundary regularity of vortex patches for non-linear
transport equations

I seminari verranno anche trasmessi in diretta su zoom al link


ID riunione: 875 1813 7128
Passcode: 880047

Abstract seminario Chaumont-Frelet:
Beyond its intrinsic physical interest, the magnetostatic problem is
mathematically attractive as a model for PDEs involving the curl
differential operator. In this talk I will consider a posteriori error
estimators for finite element discretizations based on the idea of “flux
equilibration”. This technique is well-established in the H1 framework
where it leads to guaranteed error upper-bounds and
polynomial-degree-robust local lower-bounds. In the H(curl) framework,
however, the development of equilibration strategies is much more recent. I
will report on two new constructions of equilibrated estimators for the
magnetostatic problem. Reliability and efficiency of both estimators will
be discussed and illustrated by numerical examples.
This is a joint work with Martin Vohralik.
Abstract seminario Mateu, vedere al link seguente:



Pagina web dei Seminari di Matematica Applicata
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