[Dottorcomp] PhD course announcement

Frediani Paola paola.frediani a unipv.it
Mer 26 Apr 2023 17:58:11 CEST


inoltro questo messaggio sul corso di dottorato di Pietro Zanotti,
Pressure robust discretizations of the Stokes equations.

Cari saluti,

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: Pietro Zanotti <pietro.zanotti a unipv.it>
Date: mer 26 apr 2023 alle ore 13:48
Subject: PhD course announcement
To: Frediani Paola <paola.frediani a unipv.it>

Dear all,

the PhD course

Pressure robust discretizations of the Stokes equations

will start on Thursday, April 27.  The lectures will be given
every week on Tuesday and Thursday, from 11am to 1pm,
until June 13, in the room C29 at the Department of Mathematics
of the University of Pavia and online via Zoom. For further details,
see the attached document or contact

pietro.zanotti a unipv.it

With kind regards,

Pietro Zanotti
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