[Dottorcomp] Eduard Feireis - Course on Equations of continuum fluid dynamics

Elisabetta Rocca elisabetta.rocca a unipv.it
Gio 21 Dic 2023 12:50:37 CET

Dear Colleagues and dear students,

in the framework of the programme ``Collegiale non residente'' CNR - we
would like to announce the course

Equations of continuum fluid dynamics
by Eduard Feireisl (Mathematical Institute of the Czech Academy of Science,

that will take place at the Collegio Nuovo in Pavia from
January 10  to February 8, 2024.

The schedule is the following one:

Wednesday 14-16
Thursday 9-11
Friday 9-11

you can find the programme of the course.
Please feel free to invite students and researchers that could be

Best regards.
Elisabetta Rocca.

[image: LOGO-UNIPV]
Prof. Elisabetta Rocca
Dipartimento di Matematica 'felice Casorati'
Professore Ordinario
Delegato del Rettore all'orientamento ``intra''
Via Ferrata 5 - 27100 Pavia (Italia)
T. 0382985688

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