[Dottorcomp] Fwd: Seminari Intelligent Sensing and Remote Sensing

Lorenzo Tamellini tamellini a imati.cnr.it
Lun 8 Maggio 2023 19:20:12 CEST

Buonasera a tutt*,

ricevo e inoltro gli avvisi di seminario qui sotto.

Cordiali saluti,
Lorenzo Tamellini

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: Stefania Rustioni <stefania.rustioni a unipv.it>
Date: mer 3 mag 2023 alle ore 14:14
Subject: Seminari Intelligent Sensing and Remote Sensing
To: Ingegneria <docentifacingegneria a unipv.it>

Dear all,
please find here attached the abstracts of the online seminars on the topic
"*Intelligent sensing** and Remote Sensing**"*

*Seminar 1: Ensemble Learning for Remote Sensing Image Processing*
Speaker: *Peijun Du *(Nanjing University)

When: *Fri May 12, 10:30 AM *
Online: https://bit.ly/40HKCLn

*Seminar 2: Quantum Machine Learning (QML) for Earth Observation (EO) –
Speakers: *Silvia Ullo *(University of Sannio), *Alberto Sebastianelli* (ESA

When: *Fri May 19, 14:30 PM *
Online: https://bit.ly/40HKCLn

*Seminar 3: Shallow learners are dead – Long live shallow learners! Random
Forests in the age of Deep Learning*
Speaker: *Ronny** H**änsch* (German Aerospace Center)

When: *Fri May 26, 14:30 PM *
Online: https://bit.ly/40HKCLn
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