[Dottorcomp] Seminari di Algebra e Geometria - 24 febbraio 2023

Lidia Stoppino lidia.stoppino a unipv.it
Mar 9 Maggio 2023 11:39:16 CEST

Il giorno giovedì 18 maggio alle ore 15,00 in aula Beltrami 

Claudia Reynoso Alcántara (University of Guanajuato)

terrà un seminario dal titolo:

Foliations on CP3 of codimension one with a line as singular set.

Abstract: The space of holomorphic foliation on CP3 of codimension one and degree s is an algebraic variety, but its irreducible components are known only for degrees 0,1 and 2.
The singular set of a foliation on CP3 has dimension one, therefore the simplest singular set is a line. It is interesting to classify this type of foliations for proving some conjectures and to say something about the irreducible components. The objective of the talk is to give a summary of the known irreducible components, and to give some results about the classification of foliation with a line as a singular set. This is a joint work with D. Cerveau.

Tutti gli interessati sono cordialmente invitati a partecipare.


Lidia Stoppino
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università di Pavia
Via Ferrata 5
27100 Pavia
Ufficio C.07 (primo piano)
Tel. +39 0382 985624
e-mail: lidia.stoppino a unipv.it 
pagina web: http://www.stoppino.it

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