[Dottorcomp] Insalate di Matematica - E. Bellini 15/11/23

Insalate Di Matematica insalate.matematica a unimib.it
Mer 15 Nov 2023 08:00:00 CET

  Dear all,

We remind you *today*'s appointment of the series of seminars "Insalate di
Here are the details:

*Speaker*: *Eugenio Bellini* (Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca)

*Date and time*: *15th of November 2023, 4:30 pm (CET)*

*Title*: "Geometry of surfaces in contact sub-Riemannian manifolds"

*Abstract*: In this talk, after giving a quick introduction to contact
sub-Riemannian geometry, I will present some results concerning the induced
geometry of embedded surfaces. We will see how not all surfaces inherit a
natural metric-space structure and classify the generic ones that admit an
induced distance. Time permitting, we will classify, in terms of
combinatorial objects, the generic metric spaces that can emerge as
surfaces embedded in contact sub-Riemannian manifolds

*Keywords:* Differential geometry, sub Riemannian geometry, contact geometry

*Information to attend in room 3014*
The seminar will take place in room 3014, at the building U5-Ratio,
Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca.

*Information to attend online*
Insalate, 46725283 from phones)

For further information, please visit our website:
https://sites.google.com/view/insalate-di-matematica or contact us at
insalate.matematica a unimib.it. Find us also on our Instagram page:

The organizers: Ettore Marmo, Simone Gallivanone, Fabio Mastrogiacomo,
Marco Fusari, Tommaso Toti and Matteo Tarocchi.
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