[Dottorcomp] Workshop Enriques a Torino

Frediani Paola paola.frediani a unipv.it
Mer 15 Nov 2023 13:29:35 CET


inoltro questo annuncio di un workshop a Torino.

Cari saluti,

We are happy to announce the workshop "New Perspectives on Enriques
Surfaces", which will take place at the University of Turin on December
6-7, 2023.

The workshop aims to bring together researchers with interests in different
aspects of Enriques surfaces: their geometry and moduli, computational
aspects, and categorical features. The speakers will be:

- Simon Brandhorst (Saarland University)
- Andreas Leopold Knutsen (University of Bergen)
- Laura Pertusi (University of Milan)
- Yulieth Prieto Montañez (ICTP)
- Sofia Tirabassi (Stockholm University)
- Davide Cesare Veniani (University of Stuttgart)

Registration is now open. You can find the registration form and further
information on the workshop webpage:

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