Elisabetta Rocca elisabetta.rocca a unipv.it
Lun 20 Nov 2023 14:42:27 CET

Dear Students, dear Colleagues,

it's our pleasure to announce the *CIME summer school*

Diffuse Interface methods in Continuum Mechanics: analysis, singular limits

that will be hosted in Cetraro (Italy), from *July 8th to July 12th, 2024.*

The school will have the following 5 courses:

Helmut Abels (Univ. Regensburg, Germany)
- Sharp Interface Limits for Diffuse Interface Models

Eduard Feireisl (Charles Univ. & Inst. Mathematics Academy Sciences, Czech
- Mathematical models of compressible inviscid fluids: Analysis and Numerics

Maurizio Grasselli (Politecnico Milano, Italy)
- Nonlocal models of phase separation for incompressible binary fluids

Anja Schlömerkemper (Univ. Würzburg, Germany)
- Diffuse interface models for magnetic fluids

Jie Shen (Purdue Univ., US)
- Efficient and accurate structure preserving schemes for complex nonlinear

Further information about the school can be obtained from the school website

We invite all the interested participants to register using the form on the
web page *within April 15th, 2024.*

We thank you in advance for advertising this forthcoming school.

Looking forward to seeing you in Cetraro,

Andrea Giorgini, Elisabetta Rocca and Roger Temam


[image: LOGO-UNIPV]
Prof. Elisabetta Rocca
Dipartimento di Matematica 'felice Casorati'
Professore Ordinario
Delegato del Rettore all'orientamento ``intra''
Via Ferrata 5 - 27100 Pavia (Italia)
T. 0382985688

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