[Dottorcomp] Fwd: LAGOON webinar tomorrow Wed 29 Nov (2pm): Laura Pertusi

Frediani Paola paola.frediani a unipv.it
Mar 28 Nov 2023 13:21:20 CET


inoltro l'annuncio del seguente seminario online di domani.

Cordiali saluti,

Paola Frediani


Dear Colleagues,

We warmly welcome you to join the next *LAGOON* seminar *tomorrow Wednesday
29 Nov at 2pm* (Time Zone Berlin, Paris, Rome UTC+1)

(Website: https://sites.google.com/view/lagoonwebinar)

*Laura Pertusi  (University of Milano)  Non-commutative abelian surfaces
and generalized Kummer varieties *
Abstract. A hyperkähler manifold is a compact complex simply connected
Kähler manifold whose space of holomorphic two-forms is generated by a
symplectic form, unique up to scalar multiplication. Together with complex
tori and irreducible Calabi–Yau manifolds, they are building blocks for
compact Kähler manifolds with trivial first Chern class. In dimension two
hyperkähler manifolds are K3 surfaces, while finding examples in higher
dimensions is a challenging problem. In this talk we will construct new
families of hyperkähler manifolds of generalized Kummer type via moduli
spaces of stable objects in a non-commutative deformation of the bounded
derived category of an abelian surface. This work in progress is joint with
Arend Bayer, Alex Perry and Xiaolei Zhao.

The Zoom link is as follows:


Meeting ID: 918 7552 8987

Password: LAGOON

Best regards,

Severin Barmeier (Köln) , Sibylle Schroll (Köln) and Frank Neumann (Pavia)

Future seminars are:

20 Dec 2023   Jaiung Jun   (State University of New York, USA)
31 Jan 2024   Lucy Yang   (Columbia University, New York, USA)

For more information about the seminar and for titles and video recordings
of past seminars see the LAGOON website, where you can also join our
mailing list:

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