[Dottorcomp] Lions-Magenes days 2024, Pavia, May 21-22

Carlo Marcati carlo.marcati a unipv.it
Mer 24 Apr 2024 16:21:52 CEST

The fourth edition of the Lions-Magenes Days will take place in Pavia on
May 21-22, 2024. This two-day scientific meeting will focus on various
aspects of mathematical and numerical analysis and on scientific computing.

Two keynote lectures will be given by Andrea Moiola (Università di Pavia)
and Katharina Schratz (LJLL, Sorbonne Université). The complete list of
speakers, as well as further practical information, are available on the
conference website https://sites.google.com/view/lionsmagenesdays2024 .

Registration is free, but mandatory for organizational purposes. Please
register at your earliest convenience and no later than May 14 on the


PhD students and young researchers are warmly encouraged to submit a poster
by sending an email to lionsmagenes2024 a imati.cnr.it before May 6 and
providing the author and the title. The poster session will take place on
Tuesday 21 and posters will be displayed throughout the meeting.
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