[Dottorcomp] Eduard Feireisl - Course on Equations of continuum fluid dynamics - TODAY

Elisabetta Rocca elisabetta.rocca a unipv.it
Mer 10 Gen 2024 11:37:43 CET

Dear Students and dear Colleagues,

I would like to remember you that, in the framework of the programme
``Collegiale non residente'' CNR, *TODAY at 14* the course

Equations of continuum fluid dynamics
by *Eduard Feireisl *(Mathematical Institute of the Czech Academy of
Science, Prague)

will start *at the Collegio Nuovo in Pavia (Via Abbiategrasso, 404, Pavia),
in the seminar room on the last floor*.

The schedule is the following one:

Wednesday 14-16
Thursday 9-11
Friday 9-11

you can find the programme of the course.
Please feel free to invite students and researchers that could be

Best regards.
Elisabetta Rocca.

[image: LOGO-UNIPV]
Prof. Elisabetta Rocca
Dipartimento di Matematica 'felice Casorati'
Professore Ordinario
Delegato del Rettore all'orientamento ``intra''
Via Ferrata 5 - 27100 Pavia (Italia)
T. 0382985688

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