[Dottorcomp] Insalate di Matematica - M. Lekše 31/01/24

Insalate Di Matematica insalate.matematica a unimib.it
Mer 24 Gen 2024 12:44:45 CET

Dear all,

For the *next appointment* of the series of seminars "Insalate di
Matematica", *Maruša Lekše* (University of Ljubljana) will give a talk.
The speaker will deliver the talk *in presence* and the meeting will also
be broadcasted *online* (see below for more information).

Here the details:

*Date and time*: *31st of January 2024, 4:30 pm (CET)*

*Title*: "The spouse loving variant of the Oberwolfach problem"

*Abstract*: The Oberwolfach problem asks the following: given a 2-factor F
of the complete graph Kn, does there exist a decomposition of Kn into
graphs isomorphic to F? It was asked by Gerhard Ringel in 1967, and it
models a situation where the participants at a conference in Oberwolfach
are having dinner together every evening in a room with round tables of
different sizes, and they want to find a seating arrangement such that over
an appropriate amount of meals, every participant sits next to every other
participant exactly once. A lot of results have been obtained on this
problem and its variants, but in general it is still unsolved. In this talk
we will focus on the spouse loving variant of the problem, in which we are
looking for decompositions of a complete graph with the edges of a 1-factor

*Keywords:* Graph theory, Graph decomposition, Oberwolfach problem

*Information to attend in room 3014*
The seminar will take place in room 3014, at the building U5-Ratio,
Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca.

*Information to attend online*
(password: insalate, 46725283 from phones)

You can find the poster of the event in the attachment.
We are looking forward to seeing you!

The organizers: Ettore Marmo, Simone Gallivanone, Fabio Mastrogiacomo,
Marco Fusari, Tommaso Toti and Matteo Tarocchi.
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