[Dottorcomp] LAGOON webinar 27/03: Emanuele Pavia (SISSA)

Lidia Stoppino lidia.stoppino a unipv.it
Mar 26 Mar 2024 17:01:11 CET

From Frank Neumann:

 Dear colleagues,
 We cordially invite you to the upcoming LAGOON webinar (https://sites.google.com/view/lagoonwebinar)
which will take place  Wed 27 Mar at 14:00 (time zone Berlin, Paris, Rome UTC+1) on Zoom. The speaker is:

Emanuele Pavia   (SISSA, Trieste, Italy)   Sheaves of categories over topological and coaffine stacks

Abstract. Starting from any sufficiently nice topological space X, one can produce two different (derived) stacks defined over a field k of characteristic 0: the Betti stack X_B, which bears information on the underlying homotopy type of X, and the coaffine stack cSpec(C*(X; k)) on the commutative algebra C*(X; k) of k-valued singular cochains on X, which behaves as the affinization of the Betti stack X_B.
In this talk, I shall apply the technical machinery of sheaves of (∞-)categories on derived stacks as developed in Gaitsgory’s work to the case of Betti stacks and their associated coaffine stacks. We shall see how sheaves of categories on X_B are intimately related to categorified local systems over the original space X and to homotopy-coherent actions of topological groups on k-linear ∞-categories. At the very end, I shall briefly describe how sheaves of categories on X_B and on cSpec(C*(X; k)) interact, and how such interaction can be interpreted as an instance of higher Koszul duality.
This talk is based on upcoming joint work with J. Pascaleff and N. Sibilla.

The Zoom link is as follows:

Meeting ID: 918 7552 8987
Password: LAGOON

Best regards,
Severin Barmeier (Köln)
Frank Neumann (Pavia) Sibylle Schroll (Köln)

Future seminars are:

24 Apr 2024   Pieter Belmans   (University of Luxembourg)
29 May 2024   tba

For more information about the seminar and for titles and video recordings of past seminars see the LAGOON website:


Lidia Stoppino
Dipartimento di Matematica
Universitŕ di Pavia
Via Ferrata 5
27100 Pavia
Ufficio C.07 (primo piano)
Tel. +39 0382 985624
e-mail: lidia.stoppino a unipv.it 
pagina web: http://www.stoppino.it

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