[Ieeelmembers] Fwd: France Life Members Virtual Meeting 02 March 21: Developmental Machine Learning, Curiosity And Deep Reinforcement Learning

Antonio Savini savini a unipv.it
Mer 10 Feb 2021 11:15:23 CET

Cari amici

Ancora costretti a una mobilità quasi annullata, abbiamo la possibilità
però di raccogliere proposte sempre più frequenti di eventi virtuali.
In proposito vi giro una mail proveniente dal prof. Victor Fouad Hanna,
chair of the France LMAG. Viene proposta una interessante conferenza su
studi di frontiera sui modelli computazionali dell'apprendimento infantile.
Nell'allegato sono indicate anche le modalità di collegamento.
Se malauguratamente questa condizione di ridotta mobilità si protraesse a
lungo, forse potremmo -o dovremmo -anche noi pensare di organizzare qualche
evento virtuale di questo genere.
Se avete suggerimenti, potremmo cercare di svilupparli.
Intanto vi saluto cordialmente

Antonio S.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: Victor FOUAD HANNA <victor.fouad_hanna a sorbonne-universite.fr>
Date: mar 9 feb 2021 alle ore 17:02
Subject: France Life Members Virtual Meeting 02 March 21: Developmental
Machine Learning, Curiosity And Deep Reinforcement Learning
To: <etten a ieee.org>, <zvonko.bencic a fer.hr>, <jacob a qos.net.il>, <
antonio.savini a unipv.it>, <uofarrukh a ieee.org>, <baldomir.zajc a fe.uni-lj.si>,
<ja.delgado-penin a ieee.org>, <h.wyss a ieee.org>, <c.turner a ieee.org>, <
sshaheen a ieee.org>, <eremia1 a yahoo.com>, <a.n.safacas a ece.upatras.gr>, <
arato a iit.bme.hu>
Cc: peter magyar <peter.magyar a online.de>, tonydavies <tonydavies a ieee.org>,
Vinko Lešić <Vinko.Lesic a fer.hr>, Sara Barros <barros.s a ieee.org>,
victorfouadhanna <victorfouadhanna a sfr.fr>

Dear Colleagues

It is a pleasure for me to invite you and all members of your LMAGs to
the Virtual (ZOOM) Meeting that our France LMAG organizes on 02 March 21 at
17h00 (Paris time) on "Developmental Machine Learning, Curiosity And Deep
Reinforcement Learning" that will be given by Professor  *Dr. Pierre-Yves
 I attach here a copy of the announcement for the meeting and you can
diffuse it among members of your LMAGs.
Our France LMAG had invited all of R8 LMAGs to its last year virtual
meetings and the response was excellent. There were many participants from  all
Europe and  from Middle East..

With my best regards,

Victor Fouad Hanna,
Appointed by the President of the French Republic, on january 01, 2011 as
Knight “Chevalier” in  The Legion of Honour  « Chevalier dans l’Ordre
national de la Légion d’Honneur »,
Fellow IEEE (1996), Fellow-Emeritus (2004) of  SEE (French Society for
Electrical and Electronic Engineers)
Emeritus Professor (2013), University Pierre et Marie Curie - Sorbonne

*Antonio Savini*
IEEE Italy Section
Life Member Affinity Group, coordinator
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