[Residenzabiomedica] I: Easter time & Easter file -REMINDER

biomedica.segreteria a collegiosantacaterina.it biomedica.segreteria a collegiosantacaterina.it
Mer 7 Apr 2021 11:20:52 CEST

Dear all,


In case you forgot to fill in the “Easter file”, I kindly ask you to update
it by today.




We count on you cooperation in order to let us manage the nose-pharyngeal
swap in the best way for who is coming back after Easter holiday.


This allows us to maintain always an high level of safety in the Residenza.


Thank you!



Residenza Universitaria Biomedica

Fondazione Collegio Universitario S. Caterina da Siena

Via L. Giulotto, 12


Dott.ssa Valeria Morandini

tel: +39 0382 516762  - + 39 0382 516799

email:  <mailto:biomedica.segreteria a collegiosantacaterina.it>
biomedica.segreteria a collegiosantacaterina.it

web:  <http://www.collegiosantacaterina.it/>


Sostieni il futuro delle nostre alunne con il Cinque per Mille 

alla Fondazione Collegio Universitario S. Caterina da Siena




Da: biomedica.segreteria a collegiosantacaterina.it
<biomedica.segreteria a collegiosantacaterina.it> 
Inviato: giovedě 25 marzo 2021 16:11
A: 'residenzabiomedica a ipv01.unipv.it' <residenzabiomedica a ipv01.unipv.it>
Oggetto: Easter time & Easter file


Dear all,


Easter time is coming and some of you will go home.

In order to have a proper organization in the RUB,  I kindly ask you to
update the “Easter time file”-  by Monday March 29th - through the link
attached above, with the following info:


*	Who will leave RUB
*	Departure date from RUB,
*	Return date  to RUB





The filling in of this file will help us to organise in the most efficient
way the nose-pharyngeal swap, when you will be back.



For those who will stay in RUB:


I inform you that the office and the reception will respect the Easter
Monday bank holiday, on April 5th.

Damiano and I will be back on Tuesday April 6th.



Finally I would like to point out that – based on the current indications of
the Government- it’s not allowed organise any trip outside the Municipality
of Pavia.


Hands sanitization, mask on your face and at least 1 meter distance are
always more than fully requested.


Thank to everybody for your cooperation!








Residenza Universitaria Biomedica

Fondazione Collegio Universitario S. Caterina da Siena

Via L. Giulotto, 12


Dott.ssa Valeria Morandini

tel: +39 0382 516762  - + 39 0382 516799

email:  <mailto:biomedica.segreteria a collegiosantacaterina.it>
biomedica.segreteria a collegiosantacaterina.it

web:  <http://www.collegiosantacaterina.it/>


Sostieni il futuro delle nostre alunne con il Cinque per Mille 

alla Fondazione Collegio Universitario S. Caterina da Siena




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