[Residenzabiomedica] Kitchens - Cleaning - time table
biomedica.segreteria a collegiosantacaterina.it
biomedica.segreteria a collegiosantacaterina.it
Ven 9 Lug 2021 17:03:17 CEST
Dear all,
I would like to remind you that the cleaning staff cleans the kitchens every
week based on the following time table:
* 1st floor: Monday & Thursday
* 2nd floor: Tuesday & Friday
In order to let them clean properly, I kindly ask you to leave the:
* Table
* Electric hob
* Sink
with NOTHING in/on it/them.
Moreover I remind you that:
* The paper has to be put in the paper bin, that you can find on each
* The glass has to be put in the glass bin, that you can find outside
the Residenza on your right.
Please do not leave "little mountains" of paper or glass in the kitchen!
Thank you very much for understanding and for the collaboration
Have a nice weekend!
Residenza Universitaria Biomedica
Fondazione Collegio Universitario S. Caterina da Siena
Via L. Giulotto, 12
Dott.ssa Valeria Morandini
tel: +39 0382 516762 - + 39 0382 516799
email: <mailto:biomedica.segreteria a collegiosantacaterina.it>
biomedica.segreteria a collegiosantacaterina.it
web: <http://www.collegiosantacaterina.it/>
Sostieni il futuro delle nostre alunne con il Cinque per Mille
alla Fondazione Collegio Universitario S. Caterina da Siena
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