[Residenzabiomedica] comunication
amministrazione a collegiosantacaterina.it
Mer 31 Mar 2021 15:44:21 CEST
Dear all,
I would like to remind you that, during the office and reception closing
time, you have to refer to
A) the following people/phone numbers:
* Guardian - from 10.00 pm to 9.00 am
* Mobile phone number of the person indicated on the note you can find
attached on the Reception door
B. only in these specific cases
* if a student has a serious sudden illness and a doctor is needed,
* In case of danger (fire, water infiltration or similar)
Moreover I kindly ask your cooperation in order to avoid alarms rings for
inattentions (as, for example, door opening in the room at the ground floor,
smoking in forbidden areas).
In case you forgot the entrance badge during the Reception closing time,
please do NOT call the guardian, but contact other students in the
Finally, I would like to remind you that during the office opening time, you
can refer to Mrs Valeria Morandini.
Mrs Eleonora Ferrari is, in fact, on her maternity leave, and for this
reason I ask you to not disturb her.
Thank you!
I would like also to wish to each of you and your family a Happy Easter!
Dott.ssa Cristina Cremonesi
Amministrazione Economato
tel. 0382 33423 - 0382 375082
Collegio Universitario S. Caterina da Siena
Via S. Martino 17/a - 27100 Pavia
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