[Collegio.dottmicr] PhD in Microelectronics - assessment of 3rd year students - sept 22, 2020
Andrea Mazzanti
andrea.mazzanti a unipv.it
Mer 9 Set 2020 10:28:02 CEST
Dear colleagues,
on *Tuesday, September 22rd 2020, at 2:300 PM*, the Evaluation Committee
of the PhD Course in Microelectronics will meet for the assessment of
the activity of the 3rd year students. The meeting will take place on
the *zoom* platform (the link will be sent later).
The committee will have to evaluate the activity of 3 students who will
give an *oral presentation* about their research activity. Each student
will have *30 minutes, including Q&A:*
2:30 PM: Moisello Elisabetta
3:00 PM: Prevedelli Dario
3:30 PM: Qureshi Waqar Ahmed*
Candidates must send to me (andrea.mazzanti a unipv.it) and to Magda
Moroni (magda.moroni a unipv.it) by *Friday 18 Sept* the *abstract of the
Thesis, list of publications and **the educational activities*
("consuntivo dei crediti acquisiti").
Best regards,
Andrea Mazzanti
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