[Collegio.dottmicr] PhD in Microelectronics - yearly student assessment

Lodovico Ratti lodovico.ratti a unipv.it
Mar 22 Set 2020 18:11:20 CEST

Dear colleagues,

this message is just to remind you of our meeting, to take place 
tomorrow morning, September 23, starting at 9:50 on the zoom platform:



On 17/09/2020 01:35, Lodovico Ratti wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> on *Wednesday, September 23rd 2020,* the Evaluation Committee of the 
> PhD Course in Microelectronics will convene for the yearly assessment 
> of the activity of the first and second year students. The Committee, 
> as per my previous email, is composed of the following members:
> Daniele Bajoni
> Edoardo Bonizzoni
> Rinaldo Castello
> Piero Malcovati
> Andrea Mazzanti
> Sabina Merlo
> Lodovico Ratti
> Terry Sai-Weng Sin
> Gianluca Traversi
> Domenico Zito
> In the following you can find the agenda of the meeting, which will 
> take place on the *zoom* platform (https://zoom.us/j/96146009363).
> *9:50    PhD Committee Meeting Starts*
> *10:00    Second Year Students Presentations*
>     10:00    Laura Aschei (supervisor: prof. Manstretta)
>     10:20    Filippo Boera (supervisor: prof. Bonizzoni)
>     10:40    Thomas Eleftherios D. Kizas (supervisor: prof. Malcovati)
>     11:00    Matteo Pezzoli (supervisors: prof. Ratti and prof. Traversi)
>     11:20    Domenico Riccardi (supervisor: prof. Mazzanti)
>     11:40    Karan Sohal (supervisor: prof. Castello)
> *12:00    Assessment of Second Year Students Activity*
> *12:15 **Assessment of First Year Students Activity*
> *12:30    Other Business*
> 1*2:40    PhD Committee Meeting Ends*
> Let me just remind you that the evaluation of first year students 
> *will only be based on a written report,* which students will have to 
> deliver by *Friday, September 18th*. No oral presentation is therefore 
> scheduled for first year students. Second year students also have to 
> send in a report about their activity, besides giving a presentation 
> according to the above schedule. As soon I have received all the 
> reports, both from first year and second year students, I will upload 
> them to g-drive and share them with you, so that you can read them 
> before the meeting.
> Do not hesitate to contact me should you have any doubt or question, 
> or suggestion, about the meeting.
> Regards,
> Lodovico
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------
> Lodovico Ratti, Associate Professor
> Dept. of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering
> University of Pavia
> Via Ferrata 5, 27100 Pavia, Italy
> Phone:	+39 0382 985222
> Fax:	+39 0382 422583
> E-mail:	lodovico.ratti a unipv.it

Lodovico Ratti, Associate Professor


Dept. of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering
University of Pavia
Via Ferrata 5, 27100 Pavia, Italy

Phone:	+39 0382 985222
Fax:	+39 0382 422583
E-mail:	lodovico.ratti a unipv.it

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