[Dottorcomp] Fwd: I: Mobile Pairing to access MathSciNet, AMS eBooks and eJournals

Giulio Schimperna giusch04 a unipv.it
Mer 25 Mar 2020 15:52:11 CET

Cari colleghi,
    può darsi abbiate già ricevuto comunicazione direttamente dall'AMS. Vi
giro comunque
questo messaggio in cui viene fornito un link per l'accesso in remoto alle
bibliografiche dell'American Mathematical Society (MathSciNet ecc.)

A presto,


*Da:* cust-serv a ams.org [mailto:cust-serv a ams.org]
*Inviato:* mercoledì 25 marzo 2020 14:33
*A:* servizi.digitali.biblio a unipv.it
*Oggetto:* Mobile Pairing to access MathSciNet, AMS eBooks and eJournals

[image: AMS Logo] <https://www.ams.org/>

RE: Mobile Pairing for Univ Degli Studi di Pavia

As a service during the COVID-19 crisis, the American Mathematical Society
would like to assist you in maintaining your patrons’ access to any of our
online products to which your institution subscribes, including MathSciNet,
our journals, and our eBook Collections.

As you may know, our Remote Access system allows end users to pair their
computers while on a campus network, letting them take their access to AMS
resources with them wherever they go. We realize that many of your patrons
may now be away from campus, and unable to pair in the normal way. To
assist them, we are providing you with a special remote access link for you
to pass on to your patrons. This link is unique to your institution and
should be shared only with your patrons:


When patrons visit this page, they will see a short message about our
Remote Access service, and a link to initiate 90 days of access on their
device. Access may be set up via any web browsing device with JavaScript,
cookies, and local storage enabled. If a patron uses multiple browsers or
devices, the link must be visited using each individual browser or device.

We hope that this is helpful during this challenging time, and stand ready
to answer any questions that you may have. Our customer service team may be
reached at cust-serv a ams.org.

American Mathematical Society

P.S. – You are receiving this email because you are listed in our database
as a librarian or e-resource contact. If you are not the proper recipient
of this message, please forward it to the appropriate person on your staff.


*American Mathematical Society*
201 Charles Street, Providence, RI 02904-2213 USA
401.455.4000 (Worldwide)
800.321.4267 (US and Canada)

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