[Dottorcomp] Insalate di Matematica - M.Levi (reminder)

Mbs Insalate Di Matematica insalate.matematica a unimib.it
Gio 1 Apr 2021 11:45:41 CEST

Dear all,

as a part of the series of seminars *"Insalate di Matematica"*, we remind
you that today there will be a seminar held by Matteo Levi (Politecnico di
Torino). Here the details:

*Google Meet access link*: meet.google.com/jii-iyxa-joq

*Date and time*: *1st April **2021, 2:00 pm*

*Speaker*: *Matteo Levi (Politecnico di Torino)*

*Title*:* "A painless introduction to Optimal Transport"*

*Abstract*: I will give a (very) basic overview of the hot topic of Optimal
Transport (OT). I will introduce the problem in a discrete setting in order
to make it more visual and to avoid distracting technical assumptions. I
will then state the analogous continuous problem and point out its
connections with some nonlinear PDEs.

The space of probability measures can be equipped with a natural metric
arising from the OT problem, the Wasserstein distance. I will (maybe)
discuss the advantage of such a distance over other classical choices and
(certainly) informally discuss how it can be fruitfully exploited in some
Machine Learning applied problems. Some possible generalizations of such a
distance will be also presented.
The talk is addressed to non experts (like myself) and can be ideally
followed by undergrad students.

*Keywords*:  mass transportation problem, Monge-Ampère equation,
Wasserstein-type distances, shape classification.

*** We inform you that this talk will be recorded and uploaded on our
website. If you join the seminar after the starting time, we kindly ask you
to ensure that your microphone and webcam are turned off ***

We are looking forward to seeing you.

The organizers: Luigi Appolloni, Federico Bernini, Francesca Cottini, Luca
Di Gravina, Ludovico Marini
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