[Dottorcomp] Se mi narri di Matematica - oggi, ore 16:00

Ngoc Mai Monica Huynh ngocmaimonica.huynh01 a universitadipavia.it
Mar 26 Gen 2021 09:53:27 CET

Nell'ambito del progetto *Se mi narri di Matematica*,

Data e ora: *oggi, 26 gennaio 2021, ore 16:00 *

Speaker:  Francesco Cremona (Università degli Studi di Milano)

Titolo:  *General Relativity, Einstein’s Equations and Wormholes*


One of the most fascinating features of Einstein’s theory of General
Relativity (GR) consists in the fact that spacetime may be curved and
topologically nontrivial, describing intriguing objects like black holes
and wormholes, that is, spacetime structures that link together two
separate universes. In contrast to black holes, the occurrence of wormholes
is speculative, and so far, there is no observational evidence for the
existence of such structures; however, their existence is in accordance
with GR, provided the introduction of “exotic” matter to support the
throat, that is, matter whose stress-energy-momentum tensor violates the
(averaged) null energy condition. One possibility to obtain such a
behaviour is to consider phantom scalar fields, i.e., scalar fields that
have a negative kinetic energy. At this point, a pressing question
regarding the relevance of static wormholes in GR concerns their dynamical
stability under small perturbations.

In the first part of my talk, I will retrace some fundamental assumptions
of GR and of the scalar field theory, reintroducing the concepts of
spacetime, observer, coordinate system, metric and (phantom) scalar fields;
I will also provide a mathematical rigorous definition of wormhole
spacetime metric and present some known wormhole models with spherical

The second part of my talk is devoted to the linear stability analysis of
wormhole configurations: I will show how it is possible to reduce this
study to the spectral analysis of a Schrödinger-type operator (selfadjoint,
in a suitably defined Hilbertian framework) which appears in a master
equation describing small perturbations of the wormhole in any coordinate
system. This general method is then applied to some wormhole families,
showing their linear instability.


*Aula Beltrami*, Dipartimento di Matematica.


Link Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87210829941

*Meeting ID: 872 1082 9941*

*Passcode: 752254*

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   - *per coloro che intendono presenziare al seminario di persona, *si
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   - a causa delle misure di sicurezza della piattaforma Zoom, *è
   necessario inserire il passcode* per poter partecipare alla sessione;
   - nel caso in cui il meeting si interrompesse per problemi di natura
   tecnica, seguiranno istruzioni pubblicate sia sul sito (
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   Partecipando all'evento si dà il consenso ad essere registrati.

Tutte le informazioni e gli aggiornamenti si trovano anche sulla pagina web
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L'invito si estende a tutti gli interessati.

gli organizzatori

Mai, Silvia, Federico e Stefano
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