[Dottorcomp] Nextflow Workshop - 20-21 September 2021

Luca Franco Pavarino luca.pavarino a unipv.it
Mar 6 Lug 2021 13:45:05 CEST

Dear Colleagues,
Following up on the training initiatives associated with the computing
infrastructure EOS, we have organised a new workshop focused on the use of
the workflow engine Nextflow.
The workshop will cover the basics of containers and solutions for
portability, and showcase a few examples of transitioning from traditional
scripting to workflow engines.
The goal is to help all EOS users step-up their use of the infrastructure,
and create new and exciting pipelines ready to be deployed anywhere.

More details about the programme in the attached outline.
The workshop will be held hopefully face to face, and we have booked rooms
at Engineering on September 20th (all day) and September 21th (morning).
We will also provide the opportunity to follow remotely.

Please do register here
Attendance in the room will be limited to 40 people due to covid-capacity,
and attendees will be admitted on a first-come first-served basis.

Looking forward to seeing you again.

Francesco Lescai & Luca Pavarino

Prof. Francesco Lescai, PhD, EDBT

Laboratory of Computational Genomics
Department of Biology and Biotechnology
University of Pavia

via Ferrata, 9 - 27100 Pavia, Italy
office 2087
phone: +39 0382 986365


Luca F. Pavarino
Department of Mathematics
University of Pavia
Via Ferrata 5, 27100 Pavia, Italy
tel. +39 0382985643
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