[Dottorcomp] Fwd: First Announcement - 100 Years Unione Matematica Italiana - 800 Years Università di Padova (100-800)

Luca Franco Pavarino luca.pavarino a unipv.it
Lun 13 Set 2021 13:42:42 CEST

Cari Dottorandi,

Per chi di voi ha conseguito o conseguira' in dottorato negli anni 2019 -
2022, c'e' l'interessante possibilita' di sottoporre un talk al First UMI
meeting of PhD, parte del convegno 100 Years Unione Matematica Italiana -
800 Years Università di Padova (100-800), v. sotto.
Cordiali saluti,

   Luca Pavarino

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Da: Unione Matematica Italiana <dipmat.umi a unibo.it>
Date: lun 13 set 2021 alle ore 12:25
Subject: First Announcement - 100 Years Unione Matematica Italiana - 800
Years Università di Padova (100-800)
To: <Luca.Pavarino a unipv.it>

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Dear all,

The year 2022 marks two great anniversaries for the Italian mathematical
community: 100 years of the Unione Matematica Italiana (UMI)
and 800 years of Università di Padova.

On this unique occasion, UMI and the Department of Mathematics "Tullio
Levi-Civita" of Università di Padova
will organize an international conference in Padova in May 2022.

-------------------------------------- MAIN PROGRAM

MONDAY 23 - TUESDAY 24: 100-800 meeting at Palazzo Bo hosting:
- a distinguished group of speakers, which includes two Fields
Medalists, with cultural links with the Italian mathematical community

  Alberto Bressan (Penn State University)
  Camillo De Lellis (IAS Princeton)
  Laura DeMarco (Harvard University)
  Cynthia Dwork (Harvard University)
  Martin Hairer (Imperial College London)
  Peter Scholze (Universitat Bonn)
  Claire Voisin (CNRS Paris)

- a jump into the history of UMI and of Università di Padova guided by
  Luca Dell'Aglio (Università della Calabria)
  Livia Giacardi (Università di Torino)

- round table "Mathematical challenges in an AI driven world"
  Pierre Baldi (University of California, Irvine)
  Gitta Kutyniok (LMU Munchen)
  Yann LeCun (Facebook and New York University)
  Tomaso Poggio (MIT Boston)

- round table "The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge"
  Ingrid Daubechies (Duke University)
  Robbert Dijkgraaf (IAS Princeton)
  Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli (University of California Berkeley)

WEDNESDAY 25: 100-800 meeting at Orto Botanico
with a public lecture by Fields Medalist Alessio Figalli (ETH Zurich)

THURSDAY 26 - FRIDAY 27: First UMI meeting of PhD students
at the Department of Mathematics "Tullio Levi- Civita" , hosting:
- talks by PhD students (see the call below)

- international plenary speakers
  Daniele Di Pietro (Université de Montpellier)
  Alessandro Giuliani (Università Roma 3)
  Andrea Mondino (University of Oxford)
  Giulia Saccà  (Columbia University)

- round table "11^2 years after Volterra: applying mathematics to
biological and social sciences"
  Ilaria Dorigatti (Imperial College London)
  Massimo Fornasier (TU Munchen)
  Benedetto Piccoli (Rutgers University - Camden)


CONFERENCE WEBSITE: https://www.100umi800unipd.it/

CALL FOR PHD TALKS: notice that Ph.D. students from an Italian
institution, graduating with a Ph.D. thesis in Mathematics during
years 2019-20-21-22,
that aim to deliver a talk during the First UMI meeting of PhD
students are encouraged to submit their abstracts no later than
December 31st, 2021.

See more details here:https://www.100umi800unipd.it/submit

REGISTRATION to the conference is now open.
Early bird reduced fees paid before March 14th, 2022.
See more details here:https://www.100umi800unipd.it/registration

Looking forward to see you in Padova in May 2022! Fabio Ancona (Chair OC)
Università di Padova

Piermarco Cannarsa (President UMI)

Università di Roma Tor Vergata

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