[Dottorcomp] Seminari di Matematica Applicata. Venerdì 24 giugno. Martin Weiser.

Stefano Lisini stefano.lisini a unipv.it
Lun 20 Giu 2022 14:22:33 CEST

Seminari di Matematica Applicata, Dipartimento di Matematica "F. Casorati"
e Istituto del CNR IMATI "E. Magenes" di Pavia.

Venerdì 24 giugno 2022, alle ore 15.00 precise, presso l'aula Beltrami del
Dipartimento di Matematica,

Martin Weiser, Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) https://www.zib.de/weiser/terrà
un seminario dal titolo:

Inexact Spectral Deferred Correction Methods for Long-Time Integration
Il seminario verrà anche trasmesso in diretta su zoom al link:

Meeting ID: 841 6800 0397
Passcode: 554406

Simulating wear testing of implants under cyclic loading requires a
multiscale approach in time. Simple cycle jumping realizes an explicit
Euler scheme for the averaged evolution of the shape. In this talk, we
consider spectral deferred correction methods for higher order integration,
and exploit the accuracy-effort trade-off available in finite element based
simulations. This leads to inexact SDC methods, which can be much more
efficient than standard SDC approaches. Based on work and accuracy models,
a theoretically optimal choice of inexactness is derived. The efficiency of
the resulting method is illustrated in some numerical examples.

Pagina web dei Seminari di Matematica Applicata
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