[Dottorcomp] Fwd: Three Phd and PostDoc opportunities in Neurotech/Nanomaterials, Neuromorphic Computing, Focused Ultrasound, Systems Biology, Medical Physics

Luca Franco Pavarino luca.pavarino a unipv.it
Mar 21 Giu 2022 09:56:58 CEST


*Subject:* *Three Phd and PostDoc opportunities in Neurotech/Nanomaterials,
Neuromorphic Computing, Focused Ultrasound, Systems Biology, Medical

Gentile Direttore,

Vorrei inoltrarLe 3 opportunità' (PhD, PostDoc) nell'ambito di progetti
EU (H2020 e EIC) recentemente finanziati  (Neurotech, Nanomateriali,
Neuromorphic Computing, Focused Ultrasound, Systems Biology, Medical
Physics) presso il nostro laboratorio (http://fismed.uniroma2.it/), con
preghiera di diffusione nel Matematica oltre che nelle Sue reti
professionali e studentesche.

La ringrazio in anticipo, e non esiti a contattarmi per eventuali dettagli.

Cordiali saluti,

Nicola Toschi

Prof. Nicola Toschi

Associate Professor of Medical Physics
Medical Physics Section - Department of Biomedicine and Prevention
University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
Via Montpellier 1 - 00133 Rome (IT)
toschi a med.uniroma2.it

Research Staff, Associate Investigator
A.A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging - Harvard Medical School/MGH
149 13th street, 02129 Boston (MA), USA
nicola a nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
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