[Dottorcomp] Secondo annuncio - Contemporary Trends in Kinetic Theory and PDEs -

Mattia Zanella mattia.zanella a unipv.it
Mer 22 Giu 2022 13:39:34 CEST


diffondo il secondo annuncio per il workshop dedicato al 70° compleanno del
Prof. Giuseppe Toscani e che si terrą in Aula Scarpa, 11-12 Luglio 2022.
Per registrarsi č sufficiente scrivere alla Dott.ssa Ada Pulvirenti oppure
a me.

mattia zanella


Second announcement for the workshop

*Contemporary Trends in Kinetic Theory and PDEs*- Dedicated to the 70th
birthday of Prof. Giuseppe Toscani -

University of Pavia
July 11-12, 2022

In the last decades kinetic theory has emerged as one of the most prominent
fields of modern mathematics. It was originally developed to investigate
large interacting particle systems and their corresponding aggregate
descriptions. In recent years there has been an explosion of applications
of kinetic methods to other areas of research like biology and social
sciences. It is currently the source of stimulation and cross-fertilization
between a heterogeneity of communities that include both pure and applied
disciplines. The goal of the present Workshop is to present research
advances of leading experts actively working on these problems.

The conference will be held in presence. The detailed program will be
available at the website.


Please have a look at the webpage for additional information and forward
this announcement to people who might be interested in the conference.

The organizing committee,

J. A. Carrillo (University of Oxford)
A. Pulvirenti (University of Pavia)
G. Savarč (Bocconi University)
M. Zanella (University of Pavia)


*Mattia Zanella, PhD*
Associate Professor of Mathematical Physics
Department of Mathematics "F. Casorati"
Via A. Ferrata 5, 27100, Pavia, Italy
Office E18 - Phone +39.0382.985658
URL: www.mattiazanella.eu
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