[Dottorcomp] Seminari di matematica applicata. Martedì 8 novembre. Gabriela Marinoschi.

Stefano Lisini stefano.lisini a unipv.it
Gio 3 Nov 2022 11:08:51 CET

Seminari di Matematica Applicata, Dipartimento di Matematica "F. Casorati"
e Istituto del CNR IMATI "E. Magenes" di Pavia.

Martedì 8 novembre 2022, alle ore 15.00 precise, presso l'aula Beltrami del
Dipartimento di Matematica,

Gabriela Marinoschi (“Gheorghe Mihoc-Caius Iacob” Institute of
Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian
Academy, Bucharest, Romania)terrà un seminario dal titolo:

Minimal time control for nonlinear parabolic equations

Il seminario verrà anche trasmesso in diretta su zoom al link


ID riunione: 875 1813 7128
Passcode: 880047


We present a time optimal control problem for evolution equations in
Hilbert spaces, with applications to parabolic-type equations. The time
optimal control problem resides in searching for a constrained internal
control able to drive the trajectory of the solution from an initial state
to a given target set in the shortest time, while controlling over the
complete timespan. Actually we focus on the maximum principle for the time
optimal controls and in particular for those having the dimension smaller
than that of the state system. Also, we discuss about the minimal time
sliding mode control. The results cover a large class of applications.
Among them, we refer to control problems governed by parabolic equations
with potential and drift terms, porous media equation or reaction-diffusion
systems with linear and nonlinear perturbations describing real
world processes.

Pagina web dei Seminari di Matematica Applicata
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