[Dottorcomp] Very informal seminar - Elisa Alessi - 21.11.2022

Lorenzo Tamellini tamellini a imati.cnr.it
Gio 3 Nov 2022 12:18:22 CET

Dear all,

The next very informal seminar will be given by Elisa Alessi (CNR-IMATI,
Milano) at 11:00 on November 21, in aula Beltrami. Title and abstract are

Best regards
Lorenzo, Andrea, Laura

*Title:* Dynamical systems theory applied to astrodynamics and celestial
mechanics problems

*Abstract:* In this seminar, I will describe how dynamical systems theory,
in particular the computation of equilibrium points and the associated
central and hyperbolic invariant manifolds for a system of ordinary
differential equations, is applied to design trajectories for
interplanetary probes and end-of-life strategies for Earth's orbiting
satellites. In particular, I will explain how the Lagrangian points of the
Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem are exploited for actual missions
and how well-defined orbital resonances associated with the third-body
perturbation or the solar radiation pressure coupled with the planetary
oblateness are analyzed as possible effective means to re-enter the Earth's
atmosphere. In planetary science, analogous techniques can be applied to
obtain a map that can catalog, in a dynamical perspective, the asteroids in
co-orbital motion with respect to a given planet.
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